home record ramblin recomends

  day job
Since June of 1999, I have been rocking a geek job at motherjones.com

Since 1997 I have been a dj at a college/community run radio station, 90.1 FM, KZSU Stanford. Currently I have a radio program named "oh messy life" which airs every sunday from the end of the baseball game (4pm?) until 6pm, PST. I hope to get put more of my playlists online.

In 1998 (?) I contributed one 45 second noise track to a 7 inch record called "Random Audio Diner" put out at by my friend as "Melody Breaker Records" record number one. The 45 seconds I chose reminded me of the local band Godstomper, so I came up with the name "GodStomper's Foot Prints" (dude, if they could stomp on god, they'd have to have hella big feet...) G.S.F.P. has also been entirely independantly used as the accronymn for the "Glenn Smith Fusion Project."

  Cyra Levenson Where Are You?
In college I did a zine called Cyra Levenson, Where Are You? The project ended when someone wrote me and told me where she was. It's a long story.

  High As A Kite
In college and high school I was in a "noise band" known as High As A Kite. We never played live, and most of the recording sessions were me and one other member, or me on my own. We put out 4 cassette tapes, each release consisted of a copy for the four people in the band, and one or two extra copies for unlucky local kids.

  the Guh and Smurph Journal
In high school, without ever having seen a zine before, Gavin (radiobomb, stickfiguredistro) and I put out a newsletter/zine called "the Guh and Smurph Journal." Looking back, my contributions appear ammusingly pollyana-esque (organizing a bring-your-teddy-bear-to-school-day...) while Gavin's punk rants seem remarkably relevant (he at one point suggested butt plugs for cows so the methane they produce could be harvested for energy. Now 10 years later I ran across a news item saying such plans are being considered...)

Last updated: 2001 05 26 by: smurph @ smurph.org